Category Archives: Casino

Is Anything Better Than Casino Free Bets?

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When it comes to online gambling, we want to spend as little as possible to win as much as possible. Sadly, this isn’t always possible but if you do some due diligence and spend time looking around, then you can find some amazing casino free betting offers.

How Do Casino Free Bets Work?

There are different types of free bets available. Most casino sites offer a free bet of X amount value or on a specific form e.g. 50 free spins. Either way, it’s free but you need to read the terms and conditions. Some casinos offer free bets but you need to match wagering requirements with your winnings. Continue reading

October 10, 2020

Why Do Different Sites All Offer the Same Slot Games?

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If you’re a member of a few different casino and slot sites, you’ll no doubt have noticed that your favourite games are available across all of them. Surely each site should have exclusive games? This is not always the case. Read on to find out exactly why you can find the same game across multiple sites.

Why It Happens

To put it quite simply, the casinos are not the manufacturers of the games. They ship in games from specialist developers whose business it is to develop many different games. Whether you want live casino games by the bucket full or some brilliant slots brimming with special features, the developers have them all and casino operators tend to build relationships with all the biggest suppliers in order to offer a bumper collection of slot games.

In return for use in the casinos, the sites pay a percentage back to the game developers to allow them use; much in the same way an author receives royalties from book sales or a musician receives royalties for their music being played on the radio or used in films.

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November 26, 2018

Choosing an Online Casino

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If you are a newcomer to internet gambling, with the wealth of choice on offer, it may seem difficult choosing the right online casino. Your decision should not be based on just software or attractive online casino bonuses, as there are plenty of other factors that need to be taken into consideration.


Some recommend choosing a casino that has been in operation for three years or more. These casinos will have likely developed a reliable reputation among experienced gamblers and there will be less of a chance they will suddenly go out of business, or even worse, cheat players out of money.

However, new casinos can be trusted, provided they meet certain criteria, and will usually offer a different gaming experience that may better suit your requirements. Probably the main concern you should have is that the casino offers the highest levels of security and confidentiality. A reputable online casino will use 128 digital encrypted technology, which best protects players’ accounts from hackers. Continue reading

July 24, 2018

A raw look at Online Casinos, if You dare to Take Action

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Wallflowers, read this: it’s time to take action. Now, we know that we have a bunch of people that love reading our articles, and we appreciate their support. But we’ve noticed something: we have people that are scared to take action. So we decided that this article would be a little bit different. It’s all in good fun, of course. We just want you to have a great time. We play at many online casinos, and we have a great time. It’s the perfect way to kill time on slow weekend. With temperatures getting colder and colder, do you really want to go out to have a good time? Not only is that fuel burned up in traffic, but then you must deal with all the crowds. It’s just exhausting if you ask us… but what do we know?

So anyway, you need to take action. On what, exactly? That’s easy: checking out great casinos online that can help you win some money on the side. Remember that you can do just about anything with this casino cash.  You could pay off some bills, or you could put it away in the back to earn interest until you’re ready to go on holiday. Isn’t it time to see potential become reality?

The online casino experience is awesome because you can have a sense of community without leaving home. There are plenty of people that want to meet you and get to know you online, and a common interest like gambling can take you to some awesome places. We’ve seen meetups that started just from people playing at the same online casino together. So, if you’re craving a different social experience, you can find that as well.

Not every online casino is the same, which is why it’s so important to make sure that youíre reading all those reviews carefully. Then make your move; don’t just stand still forever. We know that deep down, you want to join the fun. You’re just worried about a few things that won’t go away until you check it out for yourself. All the guides in the world can’t replace the art of just experimenting, seeing the results, and either making adjustments or leaving things as they are. Have fun!

December 11, 2016

The importance of Casino Bonuses

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There are many reasons why people choose certain casinos to play on. It could be that they feel that a specific feature is particularly good or they have a recommendation from someone. However, looking at the bonuses on offer is a really good way to decide on which site to go for. This may not seem to be that important but there are some good reasons as to why it is important.

A bonus will often be offered to new players on a site. They are used as an incentive to make you want to sign up to the site. What they do is to give you a certain bonus if you deposit a certain amount of money. This could double your deposit perhaps which could make a significant difference to the amount of games that you can buy with your money. It is certainly worth seeing whether there are some good bonuses that you could take advantage of on sites that you have not played on before.

casino bonuses

It is also good to take a look at whether there are bonuses which are offered to current players as well. This can actually be better because the new player bonus can only be given once, but these bonuses can be offered to players more often. This means that you will be able  to take advantages of bonuses more often than once. It is good having a bonus as it means that you get the equivalent of free games which increases your chances of winning a prize, gives you more fun playing more without you having to spend more money.

In order to find out what bonuses are available you may think that you will have to look at every casino site. Luckily you will not have to though as there are sites which compare the bonuses so that you can easily find out which is the best. So visit a site such as and you will be able to see at a glance what sorts of bonuses are available and which are the best. Not all sites will be compared, but it will be easier and quicker than having to look through lots of sites yourself. You may find that there are also reviews of the sites as well so that you can find more information about the site as well so you can decide whether you think it is worth signing up to the site, making a deposit and getting the bonus. As of course, although a good bonus is really worth having, it is also good to make sure that you will enjoy spending it and have fun with the games that you play while you are using it.

So it is important to compare bonuses when you are choosing a casino site and perhaps to even play a new site so that you can take advantage of the bonus. However, it is also good to make sure that it is worth it to you to make a deposit and get the bonus because you need to enjoy the games that you are playing while you are spending it. You need to also think about finding sites that have bonuses for loyal players as well as for new players.

November 3, 2016

Why read Casino Reviews?

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If you like playing at online casinos, then you will be aware that there are a lot of reviews around of different casinos. You may think that it will be a waste of time reading these reviews and that you should not bother. However, there are some really good reasons why you should be looking at things like TheCasinoDB online casino reviews and bonuses.

casino reviews

Even if you play at a casino that you really like, you may still benefit form looking at reviews of casinos. This is because you will be able to find out about what other casinos are offering and whether it is worth trying them instead of where you play. Casino reviews will highlight all of the good features of a casino, such as what bonuses they offer, what jackpots they have and how many prizes they offer. Although the best attitude for playing at a casino is that you are paying for the fun and any prizes are a bonus, it is still tempting to pick a casino that has the best bonuses, jackpots and prizes and it can make playing a lot more fun. You also want to make sure that you are getting good value for money when you are playing and so you need to consider the value of the prizes compared to what you are paying but also think about the fun that you are having in the game and whether you think that is worth the money that you are paying even if you win no money. Continue reading

November 3, 2016

Trying Casino Games for Free

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If you have never tried online or mobile casino games before then you may be reluctant to start. You may worry about having to deposit money, for example and worry about the cost or how to play. There is a great way to get round this though and it is to play for free.

There are some casinos which will offer free games all of the time. This means that you can try them out without any worries about losing money. However, these can sometimes get a bit dull if you cannot play for money at all, you may want a chance to do this, once you get used to the games.

This is where a site which has a free no deposit opportunity can be really good. You can register and you have some money to play with for free, without having to make a deposit. This will give you a chance to try out the game without having to pay anything but if you do like it, then you have the option of playing for money. This means that you get to try before you buy.

There are many sites offering this opportunity these days and therefore you will be able to try out a selection of them and compare them. You will be able to see whether you prefer some sites over others as well as choosing which specific games you like the best. You may even win some money when you are playing for free.

If you are not sure where to look for these free no deposit games, then you can just search on your search engine. You will find that there are a lot of opportunities to play a few games for free. It will enable you to compare a selection of sites and decide which one you would like to play on more regularly. Of course, you may just find one, really enjoy it and decide to stick with it, but that will just depend on you!

You may like the idea of taking advantage of the free no deposit offers and trying it on every site that you can to see whether you can win anything with them. This can be fun but it is worth bearing in mind, that playing with free money may not mean that you can keep the prizes, you may have to play with any money that you win. This can be a lot of fun though, but it is worth checking the terms and conditions just in case you are not up for this.

If you would rather not try all the sites for yourself, then you can take a look at reviews of the sites and see which ones people like playing. This will save you having to do it yourself but does mean that you are relying on others opinions. We are all different and like different things, which is why there are so many successful sites. However, it is more likely that you will like a site if others like it as well, so it can give you an indication of which sites are more worthwhile trying out.

September 22, 2016